Gap Analysis
Our services start with a “Gap Analysis”. We begin with understanding where you are today. Then we look at your goals, where you want to be in the future. The difference between where you are now and where you want to be is “The Gap”. Then we develop and implement a plan designed with the goal to bridge that gap. Typically this is an ongoing process. Most goals are not easily achieved in one year or less. So each year we review your progress and see where you are now and where you want to be. Then we adjust the plan and keep going.
Life Happens
The things you wanted when were 21 are usually not the same things you wanted when you are 40 or 50 or 60. Life happens. You get married. Children are born. You start a business. Every year brings new challenges and opportunities. That is why this is an ongoing process. Goals are not static.
When choosing a financial advisor, it is important for you (and for us) to ensure that there is a good fit between the type of services you are likely to need and the services your financial advisor is able to provide. We have over 60 years of combined experience providing a variety of planning services for our clients.
Whatever your needs, it all starts with careful planning. Finding the Gap and filling it is where we begin.
To find our more, please Contact Us.